Homo Velo / kimura cycle works
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Maßanfertigung / bispoke, made to measure
biché, Meral Sportif, 51cm by RAIZIN works
c o r o n a, RAIZIN works
canard noir, RH 620mm
ciel, Reiserad, RAIZIN works
Dunkelblaue Eleganz, frame by RAIZIN works
e c h o 1.0, RAIZIN works
KRANICH, Raizin Works Langstreckenflieger
Langstreckenfahrer, 650B by RAIZIN works
LEVEL Count One
merops, a modern sportif, Raizin works
Prallel-Rahmen 57cm
Single Speed, jugendlich
Stuttgart Express, RH 64
Sylvan Sandy, RH62cm mit Ballonreifen
Tancho, Damensportrad weiß-rot-schwarz, 58cm
vivace, RAIZIN works
winged and inspired, by Cicli Bonanno
Neuaufbau m. Neulack / Customs with New Paint
„spes“ ex Motobecane RH55cm Senf-Gold-Gelb-Grün-Metallic?
Aurora, ex. Superia RH57
AVE, ex. Motobecane
Avenue, RH 47, ex. Barumgardt
C.B.T. ITALIA mistral RH48
desmodus, blutsaugendes Einkaufsrad
dolce, ex Kotter RH48
garuda, SHIMANO aero 57
inka, simple & charakteristisch
Jade, 56cm ex Neil Orrell
jamais! city sport, RH 56
Jannis X3 RH56cm
jive, ex. Motobecane
Jungherz, Tourenrad 60cm
la jetée, ex. GT
MARIN, Bear Valley, fränkischer Commuter
Meral 51cm, ex. Winora
Meral, 53cm ex Cilo
mirage RH52
picus, ex COUGAR
rien! MOTOBECANE Mirage
ruby, RH53cm
Speedwell, RH 53cm
Räder mit Patina / Customs with Patina
A.S. Gillott ITALO, 51cm 1968
Albuch Kotter, Racing Team Competition RH50
animato, Reiserad für Brandenburg
Bauer Rennsport, RH56cm
Berma professional RH51
Centurion Cityrad RH49
Chesini Tourenrad RH49
Claud Butler, Road Pass 1942
Colorado, 50cm
Dancelli, RH 53(c-c), Metallic-Grau
Faggin RH50
Hirondelle, RH55
Jacques Anquetil, RH 52
Le Taureau, Damensportrad RH49
LEGNANO orange metallic RH51,5
Main d’Or, RH51
Mecacycle course, RH49
Meral Damenrennrad RH49
MERAL Rennrad RH52cm
Meral, Reiserad, RH54
Mercian, RH54
Mercier blue, RH 49cm
Mercier pink, RH50
Mercier pink, RH54
Mercier, Grün RH 54cm
mONdial RH50cm
Motobecane Mirage Dame RH54
Motobecane Mirage RH57
Peugeot mixte, PH18 57cm
Peugeot PF10, blau RH54
Peugeot PH15, hellblau RH 53
Peugeot PH45?, RH52
Peugeot PL8? 1975/76
Peugeot PX10, RH54
Peugeot rouge avec porte-bagages solidaire à la fourche RH53
Raleigh „record“ RH 51cm
Romani, „Cherry Bomb“ RH50
Sartano Damenrennrad RH53
TITAN, 61cm, 80er Jahre
Bernard Carré Competition
Claud Butler, New Allrounder, 1953
Motobecane, 24 Zoll
Opas Peugeot, Restauration
Fairweather Reifen (updated)
Schutzbleche von HONJO, Tokyo
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